Halo Moms... Banyak bangetttttt merek diapers yang ada di bumi, pada bingung ga milih diapers buat baby-nya ? Awal baru lahiran, saya dapet beberapa kado yang isinya diapers. Jadi Baby Arnav saya pakaikan diapers kado ini dulu. Setelah habis, saya pun browsing mencari merk diapers yang dipilih Moms lain, juga bertanya pada teman dan saudara diapers merek apa yang dipakai bayi mereka.
Do BeloG
Mencari Diapers yang Tepat, Review MamyPoko, Pampers, Sweety, Goon, dll
Halo Moms... Banyak bangetttttt merek diapers yang ada di bumi, pada bingung ga milih diapers buat baby-nya ? Awal baru lahiran, saya dapet beberapa kado yang isinya diapers. Jadi Baby Arnav saya pakaikan diapers kado ini dulu. Setelah habis, saya pun browsing mencari merk diapers yang dipilih Moms lain, juga bertanya pada teman dan saudara diapers merek apa yang dipakai bayi mereka.
What I will posting next.. A Mom's life !!
Welcome to dobelog blogspot!!
Well, this is my first posting after about 1,5 years hiatus. So, many things have been going on in this 1,5 years, and the biggest is..... I have a baby !!! We named him Arnav, which means ocean.
For you, our readers, who might coincidentally visit our blog and see our previous posts, you will find that MY posts (the writer is jsclays) are mostly about movie reviews. Well, when me and my husband started to dating in college, we used to watched movies almost everyday after the class is over. So you might find that the movies I review were not all popular, as we just watched any new movies at that time.
Movies time is over, a Mom's life has begun. It's a whole new world !! I have learned soooooo many things about baby needs. With many brands offering the same product (and with convincing commercials too!!), guess I just have to do trial and error and trial again. So, later on I will post reviews about baby stuffs which my baby has tried. Let's start with... Diapers !!!
See you on next post !